5 Stars Reputation: Fully Customizable and Offers a 100% White Label Solution

5 Stars Reputation is a fully customizable and white-label reputation management software that helps businesses collect and manage online reviews. With this, agencies can white-label 5 Stars Reputation to give their clients a seamless experience.

White Labeling
White labeling means that agencies can brand 5 Stars as their own software. This includes the ability to use their own domain name, logo, and branding throughout the software. Agencies can also customize the email notifications that are sent to their clients so that they appear to come from the agency’s own domain.


Custom Domain
One of the benefits of white labeling 5 Stars is the ability to use a custom domain. This means that the feedback app and all of the URLs associated with it will use the agency’s own domain name. This gives the agency a more professional look and feel, and it also makes it easier for clients to find the feedback app.
In addition to using a custom domain, agencies can also brand the feedback app with their own logo and branding. This gives the app a more consistent look and feel with the rest of the agency’s website and marketing materials.

With 5 Stars Reputation being fully customizable and 100 % offering White-label solutions clients and agencies can increase their brand recognition and credibility with the clients. They can have complete control over the look and feel of 5 Stars when they white label it. This means that they can customize the software to match their own brand and style.

Agencies and clients can also increase flexibility. With White labeling in 5 Stars Reputation Marketing agencies and clients can be more flexible in how they use the software. For example, they can use 5 Stars to collect and manage reviews for multiple clients, all under their own brand.